Monday, December 13, 2010

Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto

Abigail Sanchez

Dumbing Us Down was a great book it says what it has to say in very little amount I enjoyed it and I did feel like Mr. Gatto’s opinions were valid in of which for the most part school is not helping up but hurting us in the end. Since it is not taken so seriously. But for a better understanding he is some background of the author.
Mr. Gatto taught for 26 years in New York City public schools, a number of these years in Harlem and Spanish Harlem.  But his “heart” is in Monongahela, a small riverside town in Pennsylvania where he spent his early years.  He describes the town as “an altogether wonderful place to grow up, even to grow up poor,” a place where “independence, toughness, and self-reliance were honored,” and where, he says he “learned to teach from being taught by everyone in town.”
A year and a half ago, the public school system lost Mr. Gatto, and along with him it lost much of the smokescreen that had enabled it to remain so remarkably unchallenged over the years.  Just after receiving the 1991 New York State Teacher of the Year Award, Mr. Gatto announced he was going to quit because he didn’t want to “hurt” kids anymore.  “Government schooling,” he charged, “kills the family by monopolizing the best times of childhood and by teaching disrespect for home and parents.”
Reading the book the seven lessons in the book really stood out and were the following. According to Gatto’s observations, the seven lessons taught in public schools from Harlem to Hollywood Hills, are these:
  1. Confusion (The natural order of real life is violated by heaping disconnected facts on students.)
  2. Class Position (Children are locked together into categories where the lesson is that “everyone has a proper place in the pyramid.”)
  3. Indifference (Inflexible school regimens deprive children of complete experiences.)
  4. Emotional dependency (Kids are taught to surrender their individuality to a “predestined chain of command.”
  5. Intellectual dependency (One of the biggest lessons schools teach is conformity rather than curiosity.)
  6. Provisional self-esteem (“The lesson of report cards, grades, and tests, is that children should not trust themselves or their parents, but should instead rely on the evaluation of certified officials.”)
  7. One can’t hide (Schooling and homework assignments deny children privacy and free time in which to learn from parents, from exploration, or from community.)
Gatto exhibits great confidence in the ability of human beings to educate themselves.  But even if we agree that government schooling is the biggest impediment to this natural process, is it really the only problem? Why doesn’t a book as thought provoking as Dumbing Us Down address the other forms in which a centrally controlled society assaults the intellect of its members?  For example, learning how to survive, to get along in life, is a basic part of any person’s education.  In the modern American system, this process is sabotaged in welfare offices where people with material needs are taught that you don't have to earn the necessities of life, and in lawyers’ offices where people with problems getting along with each other are taught that litigation is the way to settle differences.  These are just samples which are shoved into the path of self-education.  And the age-segregated workplaces, along with lack of apprenticeship training, which Gatto rightfully deplores, are in my opinion as much the result of labor laws as is mandatory schooling.
Perhaps Gatto intended to challenge us into making our own observations on these issues.  Perhaps he also is right to imply that the root of such problems lies in government schooling.  If people’s minds were not propagandized and controlled from youth up, they might indeed find paths independent of those “institutions and networks” which says Gatto, constantly compete “for the custody of children and older people, for monopolizing the time of everyone else in between.”
As for solutions to the state of our educational system, Gatto at one point advocates a voucher, or school choice system, which would still be sadly deficient because of its dependence on government funds.  His real thrust, though, comes out beautifully on page 79” “Break up these institutional schools, decertify teaching, let anyone who has a mind to teach bid for customers, privatize this whole business—trust the free market system.  I know it’s easier to say than do, but what other choice do we have?”
Sure, it’s a radical proposal, and Gatto doubtless has his enemies. However, there’s a part of every one of us that thrills to his appeal to unleash the infinite possibilities within the human mind.  And most of us can’t help asking ourselves questions, such as, “Where did we ever get the idea that education means just the same thing to one person as it does to another?”  Even more relevant: “How did we ever come to accept that any one group’s version of education should be forcibly imposed on every American child?”
Reading Dumbing Us Down with an inquisitive mind is a whale of a learning experience, and it doesn’t take long to do.  The book is only 120 pages, every one of them delightfully original. I would recommend this book because it does make you stop and think for a second of what it is that is going on and what you are putting either yourself as a student or your children it was entertaining and very well written.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating review. It really makes one have to reconsider how corrupt and unconventional the educational system is today. It may have been the best method years ago, but times change and this is obviously evident in the fact that the author quit his job because of his disapproval. Just remarkable! Thanks for the review.
